Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why is Binx where he is?

I feel as if Binx's search is a search of not only finding who he is, but where is he from. The region of which Binx lives in doesn't even have an identity, as it is caught up in a mix of cultures. The problem with Binx is that his personality is not defined. How can one define who they are and where they are from if their personality doesn't know how do to that?
Binx really needs this search to teach him who he is, and I think that if Binx traveled the world, or even to several different cities, he would possibly be able to find himself. Through seeing the way other cities/lifestyles are, he would finally be able to define himself into an identity, a full person.

Where is Binx from? If you told me everything about the man, besides the place he lived, there would be no way I could guess. I feel as if Binx lives in the place because they are similar in the fact that neither truly have an identity.

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